What We Do

Investigate patient grievances

Focus on patient care

Collaborate with providers
The Role of ESRD Networks
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Networks are responsible for developing local objectives and goals that support nationwide priorities mandated by CMS and the legislative requirements of Congress. ESRD Networks are required to conduct specific quality improvement activities focused on patient care, maintaining a patient registry, providing educational materials, and investigating patient grievances. These activities are described in the CMS 2021-2026 ESRD Statement of Work (SOW).
Each year quality improvement activities and goals associated with these activities are established. Facilities are encouraged to review both the overarching and yearly goals to best understand Network activities by viewing the IPRO ESRD Network Program Overarching Goals document.
The strategic goals of IPRO are to:
- Improve the quality and safety of dialysis-related services provided for individuals with ESRD.
- Improve independence and quality of life of individuals through the use of self-care modalities (such as transplantation, peritoneal dialysis, and home hemodialysis), and self-directed care, as appropriate, through the end of life.
- Improve patient perception of care, experience of care, and resolve patient complaints and grievances.
- Improve ESRD rates of transplantation and use of self-care and self-directed modalities, when medically appropriate, to ensure patients achieve the maximum level of rehabilitation and independence as possible.
- Improve collaboration with providers to ensure the achievement of these goals.
- Improve the collection, reliability, timeliness, and use of data to measure processes of care, outcomes, and to support the ESRD Network program.
Network agreements with ESRD Providers
ESRD Networks have been granted a five-year contract by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The current contract is effective from June 1, 2021, through April 30, 2026. Subpart U Medicare Regulations require all ESRD facilities to participate in Network activities and pursue Network goals, including quality improvement activities, as set forth by 42 CFR Part 494.180.V772 (i) of CMS regulations.
Accessibility to Individuals with Disabilities
IPRO is committed to ensuring that materials on this website are accessible to individuals with disabilities. If an alternate format of any information is needed, please contact your local Network.