Quality Improvement Activities (QIAs)

Watching Old Memories

Engaging Patients & Family


Ensuring accurate data

Medical exam

building relationships with esrd facilities

Network activities are designed to align with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) National Quality Strategy (NQS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to improve the care of individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

About our Network Quality Improvement Activities (QIA)

CMS mandates that the Network shall incorporate a focus on disparities in conducting all of the activities. In each QIA, the Network analyzes data and implements interventions aimed at reducing disparities. All QIAs use innovative approaches and rapid cycle improvement that incorporates boundarilessness, unconditional teamwork, customer-focus, and sustainability to achieve the strategic goals of the ESRD Network Program. The Network is uniquely positioned to ensure full participation of the ESRD community in achieving the aims of the NQS.

Network QIAs:

These projects emphasize:
  • Building Network relationships with ESRD patients
  • Ensuring representation of ESRD patient in shared decision making related to ESRD care to promote person-centeredness and family engagement
  • Protecting ESRD patients' access to and quality of dialysis care, especially among vulnerable populations
  • Building Network relationships with ESRD facilities
  • Identifying opportunities for quality improvement at the individual facility level and providing technical assistance
  • Promoting all modalities of care, including home modalities and transplantation to promote patient independence and improve clinical outcomes
  • Facilitating process to promote coordination between care settings
  • Ensuring accurate, complete, consistent, and timely data collection, analysis, and reporting by facilities in accordance with national standards and the ESRD QIP