Behavioral Health
Many healthcare providers are facing challenges while caring for dialysis patients. In addition to ensuring their treatment needs are being met, patients and staff are experiencing heightened symptoms related to mental health. Below you will find resources for providers to reference and use in conjunction with their own skillset and expertise when serving the ESRD patient population.
The IPRO ESRD Network Program educates and collaborates with dialysis facilities to improve behavioral health outcomes of vulnerable populations through accurate screening for depression and connecting patients to treatment with a mental health professional.
Behavioral Health Resources for Providers
Tools & Resources
- *NEW* Caring for Those Who Provide Care: Provider Handout
- Stop the Stigma Surrounding Depression: Provider Resource
- Shatter the Stigma: Flipping the Facility Culture: Frequently Asked Questions
- Staff Self-Care Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Handout
- ESRD NCC - COVID-19 Mental Health: Toolkit
- Take Care of Your Behavioral Health: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak: Guide
- Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Guide
- Using "Ask-Tell-Ask" in Person-Centered Case: Promoting Goals of Care Conversations with Dialysis Patients and Families During COVID-19: Slides
- Coping with Infectious Disease Outbreaks in the Dialysis Setting for Healthcare Workers: Flyer
- Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook: A Tool to Help You Build Resilience During Difficult Times: Workbook
Depression Screening Tools
Webinars, Videos, & LAN Calls
Maintaining Emotional Balance in an Unbalancing Time
This webinar responds to hard questions and emotional distress about COVID-19 from dialysis patients and their families.
Promoting Physical and Emotional Comfort During COVID-19
This webinar provides education on how dialysis staff can help patients maintain emotional well-being during COVID-19. Hosted by the ESRD National Coordinating Center (NCC).
COVID-19 and Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue is a broadly defined concept that can include emotional, physical, and spiritual distress in those providing care to another.
Grief Management for the Caregiver
Julia Ellifritt from the Cornerstone of Hope Bereavement Center discusses grief, loss, and change during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other Resources
- Important Information for Kidney Patients About Substance Use Disorders Handout: Network 1|Network 2|Network 6|Network 9
- Tips for Improving Staff Wellbeing During COVID-19: Article
- NAMI COVID-19 Resource and Information: Guide
- Grief Management for the ESRD Healthcare Provider: Slides
- Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty: Article
- Healthcare Heroes: Poster

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us:

If you are looking for mental health services, resources or services, 211 can help get you linked to services in your area.