Patient Facility Representative Alliance
Interested In Getting Involved? Join Our PFR Alliance!
The Patient Facility Representative (PFR) Program provides an opportunity for patients, transplant recipients, and care partners to lend their perspective and assist us in the promotion of patient, family, and care partner engagement in ESRD care, as well as promoting positive relationships between patients, provider staff, ESRD stakeholders, and the Network.
To learn more about getting involved, read our PFR Alliance Manual.
To view upcoming events for patients, check out our Events calendar!
To view our PFR Recruitment Flyer, click here!
Get To Know Our PFRs!
PFRs have three different levels of engagement:
- PFR Members: PFR Members are considered Introductory PFRS. They are individuals that are looking to educate themselves on kidney disease and learn different ways to become a healthier patient living with ESRD. They are seeking to become more empowered by becoming an active participant in their personal care team. These individuals also want to learn more about patient advocacy and the Network quality improvement activities
- QIA Champions: These individuals are PFR leads who have demonstrated leadership ability at their dialysis facility and are looking to develop their advocacy skills. PFR leads are also looking to increase their involvement with their dialysis facility and the ESRD Network. Moreover, these individuals speak with their ESRD peers and share their advice and experiences as well as act as the link between the ESRD community and the Network. They also want to continue educating themselves on ESRD topics and engage in ESRD-related training.
- PFR-PSMEs: PFR-PSMEs are long-term dialysis or transplant patients that have been selected by the Network because of their ferocity in the ESRD advocacy field. These individuals conduct and participate in national, regional, and community programs focusing on CKD and ESRD. These individuals also provide feedback on the effectiveness of the Network's patient-related activities and assist in the development of resources and tools that will support reaching quality improvement goals. These individuals may also act as Peer Mentors.
Do You Want To Become A Patient Facility Representative? Here's How!
To become a Patient Facility Representative, you or a caregiver must be nominated by your social worker and/or a facility representative as well as complete our online peer mentor training course (within a 6 month period).
Interested In Becoming a Patient Subject Matter Expert?
After an individual (patient or caregiver) becomes a long-term PAC Facility Representative (PFR) in the PAC, these individuals may also be considered to serve as a Patient-Subject Matter Expert (PSME). PSMEs are individuals who are able to devote more time each month to be involved in planning quality improvement activities with the Network and other federal agencies participating in national conference calls. These individuals also represent the Network on National calls, CMS COR calls and facilitates resource development.
Steps to Becoming a Patient Facility Representative:
- If you are a dialysis patient, transplant recipient, family member, or care partner and are interested in becoming a PFR, speak with your dialysis facility social worker or contact your ESRD Network.
- Review the different levels of PFR involvement to understand which level you are interested in participating at (Introductory or Lead)
- Complete the PFR Application with assistance from your social worker (must have an active email address)

If you have questions or want to get involved, please contact the Patient Services Department for your Network:
Upcoming Meetings
ESRD Network PFR Alliance meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from 5:30-6:30 pm!
Click here to join via Microsoft Teams!
You can also join by phone:
- +1 929-229-5821, then type 320314333#
- Meeting ID: 285 730 290 455
- Passcode: gCUpMV