Network 2 Emergency Updates
The Network is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to track the status of facility operations and patient access to treatment during an emergency. The Network works with federal, state, and local government agencies to assist with patient safety and ensure dialysis facilities are prioritized to remain open. If dialysis staff or patients require assistance, please contact the IPRO ESRD Network Program at 516-686-9790 or 800-238-3773 (ESRD).
Facility Closures and Altered Schedules
For emergent and non-emergent events impacting dialysis facilities, complete and submit the form below.
Emergency Operational Status Report
There are NO reported facility closures or altered schedules at this time.
Reporting a Facility Closure or Altered Schedule
Reminder to Dialysis Providers: You MUST report ALL interruptions in service to both the Network and to the New York State Department of Health.
To Report Your Facility Status:
- With the Department of Health: NYPORTS
After Emergency Activation:
To apply for a 12-month exemption to the Annual Community Drill, please complete and submit the After Action Report (AAR) to the Network for approval.

If you have questions or need assistance, please visit our Help Desk:
New York Department of Health Commerce System
The New York Patient Occurrence Reporting and Tracking System or NYPORTS is an electronic form processing system that will fulfill the requirements for incident reporting as defined in Section 2805-l of the Public Health Law. The purpose of NYPORTS is to provide an easy, user-friendly system to facilitate the reporting of the information to the Department of Health and, at the same time, build a database that can be used by a facility for quality improvement activities.
- NYPORTS is only available to authorized users and can only be accessed via the Health Commerce System.
- New York state dialysis providers should be receiving updates from the DOH via the Health Commerce System.
- If your facility does not already have an active HC account (for NYPORTS) please click here.
Annual Contact with your Local Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
Dialysis facilities are required to make contact with their local Office of Emergency Management (OEM) annually. Please note that some county/city OEMs have local laws and/or specific guidelines for facility contact. At this time, we are aware of specific guidelines for New York City (5 boroughs) and Suffolk County.
The survey (below) will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and is essential for improving communications and responsiveness during emergencies in New York City.
- NYC Emergency Management: Healthcare Facility Survey
Please be aware that simply sending letters or emails to the NYCEM with information about your facility does NOT fulfill the annual communication requirement. The confirmation letter that is sent out after completion of the survey (above) shows proof of this requirement.
- File an Emergency Preparedness Plan - All facilities in Suffolk County are required by Suffolk County Law § 627-16 to file your facility's written Emergency Preparedness Plan with the Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services on or before January 30th annually. This will fulfill the Annual OEM Requirement.
- Register as a Rave Facility
- Encourage patients to register for the Smart 911 Registry and CodeRED Emergency Notification System from Suffolk County Emergency Services
In addition, consider having management and staff register for CodeRED Emergency Notifications - The CodeRED system allows Suffolk Emergency Managers and Public Safety Officials to send notifications to specific geographic areas, so only those residents in the affected area of the alert will receive the notification. The system allows Suffolk officials to send notifications to predefined geographic areas such as villages, townships, or zip codes.
Other New York State Counties
Contact your local OEM/EMS Agency and provide them with the form below. Ask for a letter of receipt and keep it on file.
- Emergency Management Form: Link