Mental Health Awareness
Having a chronic illness can be stressful for many people. You may find yourself overwhelmed with the amount of information being released from various sources. Coping with stress in positive ways will make you, the people you care about, and your community, stronger.
Mental Health Resources for Patients
- *NEW* Working Through Feelings of Loss and Sadness Handout: English | Spanish
- Important Information for Kidney Patients About Substance Use Disorders Handout: English
- Depression and Dialysis - My Story: Read It!
- Support Groups - Creating Community: Read It!
- Alternative Approaches to Peer Mentoring Handout: Network 1|Network 2|Network 6|Network 9
- Support Group Tips: Network 1|Network 2|Network 6|Network 9
- Talking To Your Doctor About Mental Health: Worksheet
- NAMI You are Not Alone: Infographic
- NAMI Common Warning Signs of Mental Illness: Infographic
- NAMI Taking Charge of Your Mental Health: Infographic
Taking Care of Your Whole Body
- NIH Chronic Illness and Mental Health: Recognizing Depression
- American Kidney Fund: Depression in People with Kidney Disease
- How a Chronic Illness Can Affect Your Mental Health: Article
Staying Mentally Healthy
- Nine Ways to Improve Mental Health: Article
- Mindfulness Exercises: Video
- How Mindfulness Helps You Live in the Moment: Article
- 1-Minute Mindfulness Exercises: Link
- 22 Mindfulness Exercises, Techniques, and Activities: Link
- Simple Mindfulness Practices to Help You Through Difficult Times:
- Yoga
- Deep Breathing
- Exercise
- Journaling
- Meditation
- Keeping in touch with family and friends via phone and video chat
Taking Care of Your Mental Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Guide
- Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty: Article
- Patient Empowerment Strategies for Coping with COVID-19 Poster: English|Spanish
- Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Recording|Presentation Slides
- COVID-19 Renal Diet Adjustments: Recording|Presentation Slides
- Coping with Uncertain Times: COVID-19 Pandemic: Session 1 Recording|Session 2 Recording and Session 1 Presentation Slides|Session 2 Presentation Slides

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us:

If you are looking for mental health services, resources or services, 211 can help get you linked to services in your area.