Category: Patient Education

May is Mental Health Month

May has been designated Mental Health Month since 1949. The impact of COVID-19 has been felt by both patients and staff. This May, both the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Mental Health America (MHA) have shared tools and resources to help promote treatment, self care with a goal to reduce the stigma that surrounds mental health diagnosis. The IPRO ESRD Network Program encourages dialysis providers to review the following resources and incorporate in your work with your patients and staff.

Be Ready, Be Prepared! Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 9-15, 2021

With the onset of the 2021 hurricane season closely upon us, now is the time to start preparing! The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th. Forecasters are predicting that oceanic and atmospheric conditions in the Atlantic will be favorable for a more active than usual hurricane season in the months ahead. Planning and preparing now can make a big difference in safety and resiliency in the wake of a hurricane. The ability to quickly recover following a hurricane requires a focus on preparedness, advance planning, and knowing what to do in the event of a hurricane.
Prepare Your Staff and Patients: Get the Conversation Started!
One of the most effective ways to share information and motivate people to take steps for personal preparedness is to talk to staff members and patients. Add a preparedness discussion to the weekly huddle, your next staff organizational QAPI meeting, or arrange a lunch and learn session. You can cover the basics in about 15 minutes; but 30 minutes will provide more time for open discussion and/or questions.
Be Prepared! Plan Ahead.
Begin preparing now and know what you’re going to do in the event of a hurricane. Planning ahead gives you more options and better control over situations that could become chaotic at the last moment if you’re not ready. To learn more about how to prepare for a hurricane visit Find out about preparedness drills or exercises in your area at
Tips for Planning Ahead

World Hand Hygiene Day is May 5, 2021

As described by the World Health Organization (WHO), the SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands global campaign, launched in 2009 and celebrated annually on 5 May aims to maintain global promotion, visibility and sustainability of hand hygiene in health care and to ‘bring people together’ in support of hand hygiene improvement around the world.
For World Hand Hygiene Day 2021, WHO calls on health care workers and facilities to achieve effective hand hygiene action at the point of care. The point of care refers to the place where three elements come together: the patient, the health care worker, and care or treatment involving contact with the patient or their surroundings. To be effective and prevent transmission of infectious microorganisms during health care delivery, hand hygiene should be performed when it is needed (at 5 specific moments) and in the most effective way (by using the right technique with readily available products) at the point of care. This can be achieved by:

National Living Donor Assistance Center

Many dialysis patients feel discouraged to ask a family member, caregiver or a friend to become their kidney donor as they fear creating a financial burden for them. Luckly, there are new bills and program expansions to help living donors with expenses and other financial challenges. One of these programs is the National Living Donor Assistance Center (NLDAC), which can help with living donor travel expenses, lost wages and dependent care expenses! Although the transplant center usually takes care of the living donor application, dialysis facility staff can help educate dialysis patients about this program for consideration of living donation.
To learn more about NLDAC, consider watching these recorded webinars:

Upcoming Vocational Rehabilitation Educational Opportunity

Each month the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program hosts the Work Incentives Seminar Event (WISE), which are free webinars on vocational rehabilitation services for eligible populations. They are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Past WISE webinars can be accessed at WISE on Demand. The next webinar will be held:
When: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm (EST)
Patients may be eligible for additional benefits even if they receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). You can also learn more about work incentives in the the Red Book: A Summary Guide to Employment Supports for Persons with Disabilities Under the SSDI and SSI Programs.
Please also visit the IPRO ESRD Network Program website for additional information and resources about vocational rehabilitation.

World Immunization Week (April 24–30)

During the last week of April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and global public health partners recognize World Immunization Week – a time dedicated to promoting the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against diseases and death. While the world focuses on critically important new vaccines to protect against COVID-19, there remains a need to ensure routine vaccinations are not missed. Immunizations save millions of lives every year and is widely recognized as one of the world’s most successful health interventions. This year’s campaign will aim to build solidarity and trust in vaccination as a public good that saves lives and protects health.
Please promote the importance of vaccines and immunizations to both healthcare providers/professionals and individuals with ESRD with information from the CDC.

COVID Precautions Poster Available: A High Risk Person Lives Here

The IPRO ESRD Network Program is excited to share a new patient-developed resource to help keep individuals safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. This resource is intended for patients to display the color 11 X 17 poster size English | Spanish sign on their front door, entry hallway, and/or window to provide precautionary guidance and educational reminders to visitors entering their home. The tool was designed to be particularly useful for individuals living in multi-generational homes and/or shared residences. The design layout has also been adaptable for print in black/white on 8 1/2 X 11 letter size to increase accessibility for patients.

2/10 Webinar @ 3 PM EST: Common Benefits Questions From Those on SSDI or SSI

My Employment Options will present a free February 10, 2021 webinar on Common Benefit Questions in the SSA Ticket to Work Program. Topics include who is eligible for Ticket to Work, the difference between SSDI and SSI, rules for working while on SSDI, rules for working while on SSI, common questions and myths, how to report your earnings, and the stages of Ticket to Work. Find more information and register at

October 12-17, 2020 is National Dialysis Technician Recognition Week

Each year, the National Association of Nephrology Technicians / Technologists (NANT) recognizes hemodialysis technicians for the vital contributions they make to the nephrology field. It’s essential to make recognition, including rewards, part of your everyday culture. But that doesn’t mean National Dialysis Technician National Recognition Week should go unnoticed. These extra-special perks will remind all your NCTs and NBTs how much you care. Click here to download resources you can use in your facility to express appreciation.

National Dialysis Technician Recognition Week

ESRD Proposal May Inadequately Reimburse Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage proponents are concerned that the new CMS proposal may result in underpayment to Medicare Advantage plans for end-stage renal disease care.  While payers and Medicare Advantage proponents applauded elements of the Medicare Advantage rule that CMS proposed yesterday which will increase plans’ revenues by nearly one percent, many expressed concerns about the proposed rule’s approach to chronic disease management costs for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

Click here to read more.

“Welcome to Medicare” Preventive Visit and Yearly “Wellness” Visits

Individuals new to Medicare should schedule a “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit. Medicare Part B covers a FREE comprehensive screening within the first 12 months of having Part B.

Individuals who have had Medicare Part B for longer than 12 months can get a FREE yearly “Wellness” visit once every year to develop or update a personalized prevention plan.

Patients pay nothing if their doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment. The Part B deductible doesn’t apply. However, patients may have to pay coinsurance, and the Part B deductible may apply, if doctors or other health care providers perform additional tests or services during the same visit that are not covered under the preventive benefits.

When making the appointment, patients should let the doctor’s office know a “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit would like to be scheduled. It is also important to know what to bring to the “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit.

The preventive visit includes a review of medical and social history related to the patient’s health, along with education and counseling about preventive services. It can also include:

  • Certain screenings, flu and pneumococcal shots, and referrals for other care, if needed.
  • Height, weight, and blood pressure measurements.
  • A calculation of your body mass index.
  • A simple vision test.
  • A review of your potential risk for depression and your level of safety.
  • An offer to talk with you about creating advance directives.
  • A written plan letting you know which screenings, shots, and other preventive services you need. Get details about coverage for screenings, shots, and other preventive services.

The yearly “Wellness” visit is designed to help prevent disease and disability based on current health and risk factors. Providers will ask patients to fill out a questionnaire, called a “Health Risk Assessment,” as part of this visit. It can also include:

  • A review of your medical and family history.
  • Developing or updating a list of current providers and prescriptions.
  • Height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements.
  • Detection of any cognitive impairment.
  • Personalized health advice.
  • A list of risk factors and treatment options for you.
  • A screening schedule (like a checklist) for appropriate preventive services.
  • Advance care planning

By collaborating with physicians/practices that performs a comprehensive review of health status, the medical team at the dialysis clinic can be assured that patients have an established resource for healthcare issues that are not specifically related to ESRD. This is a great opportunity to coordinate care for essential services like immunizations, diabetes management and cardiac related issues, just to name a few.

World Kidney Day & National Kidney Month

Each year, kidney disease kills more people than breast or prostate cancer.*

Help raise awareness of chronic kidney disease.
Wear ORANGE on March 14th!

March is National Kidney Month! CMS and the ESRD Program invite you to be a part of a national campaign focusing on kidney health. To show your support, consider one of the following activities on March 14th (World Kidney Day):

  • Wear an orange shirt, pants, dress, shoes, hair, etc. (be creative)
  • Take a selfie or have someone take a picture of you in your orange gear
  • Share information on your Twitter account about why all Americans should ask their doctors for a kidney checkup; Use #NationalKidneyMonth #Medicare
  • Post your picture and short statement to your Facebook page; Make your post public and use #NationalKidneyMonth #Medicare
  • Have fun with your posts

March is National Kidney Month, and its second Thursday – March 14 in 2019 – celebrates World Kidney Day. This year’s theme is Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere. Sources for more information and display materials include: