NHSN Training

Required Annual Training: The Dialysis Event Module annual training has been updated and moved to a new platform called CDC TRAIN. Self-paced training and post-assessment will remain the same as the previous version, but the CDC TRAIN platform requires you to register with the site, and allows you to save your training certificates after completion. NHSN recommends that all users take this training, but at least one user per facility is required to take and pass this training annually. Find the training course and instruction guide at https://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/dialysis/event/index.html. Email NHSN@cdc.gov with “Dialysis” in the subject line with any questions.

Training Needs Assessment: In taking the NHSN Dialysis Event Module Training Needs Assessment, some users experienced a system error which only permitted them to complete the Demographics section of the survey. If you experienced this, please retake the Assessment, at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DialysisEventTNA. NHSN apologizes for the inconvenience and truly values your input. If you have not taken the Assessment yet, please do, to help NHSN better understand training needs for the Dialysis Event Module. The Assessment will remain open until May 31, 2019.