A lake effect snow warning is in currently in effect today, December 12, 2024, in Western New York, with some areas receiving upwards of 48 inches of snow. If it is necessary to travel, please plan accordingly, as roads may be slippery, and visibility could be reduced in some areas. It is advised to allow extra time for your commute and exercise caution if traveling.
Additional information can be found through the National Weather Service at www.weather.gov, (upper left of page to see your area forecast by zip code), The Weather Channel at www.weather.com, or AccuWeather at www.accuweather.com.
** If you are a patient and believe this event will negatively impact access to care, please contact your local dialysis facility to understand treatment availability. **
- 511 NY: Road Closures & Delays: Map
- Snowstorm Health – Tips for People on Dialysis: Handout
- Ready.gov Disasters and Emergencies: Snowstorms
- Cleveland Clinic: 9 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Winter Months: Tips
- Ready: Winter Weather: Resource